They say that none of us exists, except in the imagination of his fellows, other than as an intangible, invisible mentality. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
He longed for the little cabin and the sun-kissed sea - for the cool interior of the well-built house, and for the never-ending wonders of the many books. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
I have discovered that the world over, unusual weather prevails at all times of the year. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
To lose the only creature in all his world who ever had manifested love and affection for him was the greatest tragedy he had ever known. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
...smiles are the foundation of beauty. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
We are between the wild thoat of certainty and the mad zitidar of fact. - Edgar Rice Burroughs
No fiction is worth reading except for entertainment. If it entertains and is clean, it is good literature, or its kind. If it forms the habit of reading, in people who might not read otherwise, it is the best literature. - Edgar Rice Burroughs